Kingdom of Parvussia

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Kingdom of Parvussia
ราชอาณาจักรปาร์วัสเซีย (Thai)
Motto: Glory to our Glorious Land
Anthem: Angels save our king
Location of Kingdom of Parvussia
and largest city
City of Fiesta
Official languagesEnglish
Ethnic groups
Thai (100%)
Buddhist (100%)
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• Monarch
Fiesta I
• Crown Prince/Princess
LegislatureParvussian Council of State
• Fiestian Empire
13 August 2022
• Ruled by Nesta Empire
5 September 2022
• Independence from Nesta Empire
21 November 2022
• Kingdom of Fiesta
21 November 2022
• Kingdom of Parvussia (Renaming)
24 December 2023–Present
• Total
0.0017028 km2 (0.0006575 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2023 census
Thai Baht (฿) (BHT)
Time zoneUTC+7 (IDT)
Calling code+66

The Kingdom of Parvussia (ราชอาณาจักรปาร์วัสเซีย), commonly known as Parvussia, it was a micronation founded on 21 November 2022 (Former was the Kingdom of Fiesta). The ideology of Kingdom of Parvussia is absolute monarchy, Kingdom of Parvussia was founded by King Fiesta I of the House of Vibrington and his nobles from the Fiestian Empire. Kingdom of Parvussia is a micronation in Samutprakarn, Thailand. This Kingdom was preceded by Fiestian Empire.


In the annals of regal transitions, the shift from the "Kingdom of Fiesta" to the "Kingdom of Parvussia" under the reign of King Fiesta unveils a narrative of introspection and strategic refinement. Originally christened with an exuberant name befitting the festive spirit of its monarch, the "Kingdom of Fiesta" resonated with the vivacity and joy that King Fiesta infused into his realm. However, as the monarchy evolved, a profound realisation dawned upon King Fiesta. A desire for a name that not only reflected the micronation's character but also distinguished itself from the reigning sovereign. Hence, the transition to the "Kingdom of Parvussia" unfolded, signifying a deliberate departure from the exuberance of the former title. Rooted in the Latin term "Parvus," signifying "small" or "modest," the new name emphasises a refined identity and the micronation's commitment to a more subdued yet impactful presence. This strategic pivot in nomenclature epitomises King Fiesta's foresight, navigating the delicate balance between regal continuity and individual distinction, ensuring that the legacy of the "Kingdom of Parvussia" remains eternally intertwined with the sagacious rule of King Fiesta.

Parvussia is the designated nomenclature for the Kingdom of Parvussia, an autonomous entity distinguished by its unique identity and characteristics. The nomenclature "Parvussia" is an etymological synthesis derived from the Latin language, merging the term Parvus with a distinctive suffix, thereby imbuing the micronation with a nuanced significance.

The epithet Parvussia comprises two integral constituents:

  1. Parvus:
    • Parvus, a Latin adjective connoting "small" or "modest," has been deliberately chosen to encapsulate the notion of diminutiveness characteristic of Parvussia. The linguistic selection of Latin imparts a classical undertone, adding a layer of timelessness to the micronation's nomenclature.
  2. -ussia:
    • The affix "-ussia" is an inventive augmentation, contributing to the phonetic resonance and distinctiveness of the appellation. While its origins do not align directly with Latin, it serves a pivotal role in amalgamating the components and fostering a name of both eloquence and individuality.

Parvussia can be construed as an amalgam denoting "Small Land" or "Diminutive Territory," serving as a succinct representation of the purposeful selection of a term connoting modest proportions for the Kingdom of Parvussia. The synergy of the Latin root with the inventive suffix underscores the micronation's singularity and establishes a distinctive presence within the community of micronations.

Official names

  • 13 August 20225 September 2022: Fiestian Empire
  • 5 September 202221 November 2022: Nesta Empire
  • 21 November 202224 December 2023: Kingdom of Fiesta
  • 24 December 2023Present: Kingdom of Parvussia


On the historic date of 21 November 2022, the Kingdom of Parvussia was formally established following a declaration of independence from the Nesta Empire. The sovereign architect of this nascent realm was none other than King Fiesta I, a figure of profound significance and the esteemed progenitor of the kingdom. The foundation of the Kingdom of Parvussia was not only a manifestation of regal autonomy but also a collective endeavor that drew upon the nobility of the Fiestian Empire. Under the astute governance of King Fiesta I, legislative modifications were implemented, fundamentally restructuring the legal framework to establish a unique precedence: the monarch and his progeny were accorded a status above the dictates of the law. This strategic reorientation reflected the monarch's commitment to the foundational principles of the Kingdom of Parvussia, positioning the royal lineage as custodians of both sovereignty and legal authority.

Fiestian Empire (13 August 2022 - 5 September 2022)

Fiestian Empire flag

The establishment of the Fiestian Empire, orchestrated by Fiesta Emperor (Fiesta I) on August 13, 2022, marked the genesis of a sovereign entity that garnered support from King Fiesta's circle of friends. Swiftly after its inception, King Fiesta extended invitations to his associates, elevating them to the nobility within the burgeoning empire. The inaugural noble, Toeik, assumed the esteemed title of the 1st Duke of Fiesta (presently recognized as Toeik, the 1st Duke of Starcaster), exemplifying the camaraderie and shared vision that characterized the early nobility.

However, the nascent empire encountered internal strife as certain nobles harbored ambitions of ascending to the imperial throne. In the face of rebellion, Emperor Fiesta mobilised an army to quell the dissent, yet the outcome proved unfavorable, resulting in a defeat for the imperial forces. Confronted with this setback, Emperor Fiesta, driven by a sense of desperation, contemplated abdication in favor of Toeik, the 1st Duke of Fiesta (Toeik, the 1st Duke of Starcaster in present). Despite the prevailing despair, the abdication did not materialize.

Amidst this internal turmoil, Emperor Nesta of the Nesta Empire seized the opportune moment, launching an invasion with an attempt to assassinate Emperor Fiesta. The clandestine endeavor, however, proved unsuccessful, compelling Emperor Fiesta to retaliate by declaring war on the Nesta Empire. This catalyzed a conflict between the two empires, shaping a pivotal chapter in the annals of their histories.

Fall of the Fiestian Empire

Despite the formidable might of the Fiestian Empire's army, surpassing that of the Nesta Empire in sheer strength, a critical imbalance emerged in terms of military experience. The seasoned and battle-hardened forces of the Nesta Empire, with a wealth of strategic knowledge and tactical prowess, proved to be a decisive factor in the conflict. The nobility of the Fiestian Empire, while valiant, faced challenges in countering the well-honed strategies employed by their adversaries.

As a consequence of sustained hostilities and the incapacitation of the Fiestian Empire's noble forces, they found themselves unable to mount a successful defense against the relentless advances of the Nesta Empire's army. Faced with the stark reality of their military predicament, the Fiestian Empire was compelled to make the difficult decision to surrender. This capitulation, in turn, led to the transformation of the Fiestian Empire into a colonial entity under the dominion of the Nesta Empire.

The once-independent Fiestian Empire, with its proud history and noble lineage, thus found itself subsumed within the broader framework of the Nesta Empire, marking a significant turn of events in the geopolitical landscape.

Nesta Empire (5 September 2022 - 21 November 2022)

In the aftermath of the Fiestian Empire's defeat, the Nesta Empire's dominion extended over all, encompassing even the possessions of Emperor Fiesta. The imperial reach sought to exercise authority by attempting to apprehend crucial nobles within the conquered territory. However, the public response was resolute, rejecting these actions and vehemently protesting against the encroachment on their noble leaders.

Emperor Fiesta, stirred by a fervent desire to reclaim his territory from the clutches of the Nesta Empire, acknowledged the popular sentiment and the rejection of foreign rule. Responding to the impassioned protests, he resolved to mount a daring initiative to gather his loyal troops and strategize a plan for the liberation of the land.

This marked a turning point in the narrative, as Emperor Fiesta, fueled by a spirit of defiance and the unwavering support of the indignant populace, embarked on a mission to reclaim sovereignty and restore the independence of his once-proud realm. The stage was set for a struggle of resilience and determination, as Emperor Fiesta prepared to confront the forces of the Nesta Empire in a bid to retake control of the contested territories.

Operation Emperor Sword

On 21 November 2022, Emperor Fiesta initiated a strategic campaign to reclaim the territories annexed by the Nesta Empire. Personally leading a formidable force, Emperor Fiesta orchestrated a decisive attack against Emperor Nesta, resulting in the latter sustaining injuries amid the skirmish. Simultaneously, the Nesta Empire's army, under the command of its military leader, attempted to defend the contested area but encountered insurmountable challenges against the resolute and tactically astute forces of Emperor Fiesta.

The effective coordination of Emperor Fiesta's troops, coupled with the weakened resistance of the Nesta Empire, facilitated a swift recapture of the territories in contention. Faced with the unfolding circumstances, Emperor Nesta, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, entrusted the management of the empire to the Royal Representative.

In a gesture of recognition of Emperor Fiesta's triumph, the Royal Representative of Emperor Nesta formally announced the surrender of the Nesta Empire. In a magnanimous act, all territories were ceded to Emperor Fiesta, signifying the conclusive end of hostilities. This pivotal moment marked the restoration of Emperor Fiesta's dominion and the reclamation of territories that had been temporarily lost, solidifying the resilience and strategic acumen of the Kingdom of Parvussia.

Kingdom of Fiesta (21 November 2022 - 24 December 2023)

Kingdom of Fiesta flag

On 21 November 2022, a momentous and transformative event unfolded, etching itself into the annals of history as a defining chapter in the legacy of King Fiesta I. With unwavering resolve, King Fiesta I boldly declared the independence of his domain from the imposing shadow of the Nesta Empire. In a historic and eloquent proclamation, resonating with the echoes of self-determination, King Fiesta I officially heralded the birth of the Kingdom of Fiesta.

This declaration, far more than a mere proclamation, represented a profound and decisive break from the imperial ties that had once bound the nascent kingdom. It was a symbolic act of sovereignty, a bold assertion of autonomy that reverberated across the realm. The Kingdom of Fiesta emerged not merely as a political entity but as a testament to the ideals and aspirations of its founding monarch.

The foundational act of establishing the Kingdom of Fiesta on this notable date set forth a trajectory of governance characterized by independence, regality, and a commitment to self-rule. King Fiesta I, as the visionary architect of this newfound realm, embarked on a journey that transcended the historical legacy of imperial subjugation. The Kingdom of Fiesta, from its inception, became a beacon of autonomous governance, symbolizing the aspirations, rights, and self-governance of its sovereign citizens under the regal and sagacious leadership of King Fiesta I.

Kingdom of Parvussia (24 December 2023-Present)

Following a period of the nation reformation, King Fiesta, with a judicious consideration for clarity and distinction, proclaimed a noteworthy change within the realm. With the aim of mitigating potential confusion arising from the similarity between the monarch's name and the nation's nomenclature, King Fiesta made the strategic decision to rename the nation. Thus, on this occasion, the Kingdom of Fiesta underwent a transformative transition, assuming the new and distinctive appellation of the Kingdom of Parvussia. This alteration not only reflected the monarch's commitment to effective governance but also aimed at fostering a clear and unambiguous identity for the nation, ensuring a seamless delineation between the sovereign and the realm.

One person caused the war

In a sequence of events that unfolded within the delicate diplomatic tapestry between the Kingdom of Fiesta and the Nesta Empire, a figure named Oshi the Killer emerged as a harbinger of discord. Initially a citizen of the Nesta Empire and an acquaintance of Emperor Nesta, Oshi the Killer took an unexpected turn by attempting to infiltrate the Kingdom of Fiesta's official group on LINE. The required password for entry was discreetly provided by Toeik, the 1st Duke of Faxeria.

Once admitted, Oshi the Killer sent a chilling message that struck fear into the hearts of all Kingdom of Fiesta group members, threatening the lives of the nobles and the King himself. Responding with urgency, King Fiesta convened a meeting with allies and nobles to deliberate on the unfolding crisis. Subsequently, an attempt on King Fiesta's life was made by Oshi the Killer, but the Royal Guards and nobles valiantly intervened, allowing the monarch to escape unharmed.

In the aftermath, King Fiesta sought to address the situation diplomatically and initiated negotiations with Emperor Nesta. However, the Nesta Empire showed indifference and reluctance to address the damages caused. This spurred King Fiesta's frustration, leading to a declaration that foretold the empire's downfall.

Tensions escalated as Emperor Nesta declared war on the Kingdom of Fiesta, severing all ties between the two nations. Yet, in a surprising turn of events, King Fiesta persisted in diplomatic efforts, successfully negotiating with Emperor Nesta to reconcile their differences. This diplomatic success not only averted a full-scale war but also marked a testament to King Fiesta's resilience in seeking peaceful resolutions amid tumultuous circumstances.


Parvussia, a micronation nestled within the bounds of Samutprakran, Thailand, proudly boasts a compact expanse of 0.0017028 square kilometers. This diminutive yet significant territory is emblematic of the sovereign aspirations and distinct identity of Parvussia.

Situated in the heart of Samutprakran, Parvussia finds itself landlocked, surrounded by the terrestrial tapestry of Thailand. Despite its modest size, Parvussia stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people to carve out a sovereign space within the broader geographical canvas.

As a micronation, Parvussia's territorial dimensions may be modest, but its significance transcends physical boundaries. It is a symbol of self-governance, embodying the spirit of autonomy and independence within its compact confines. The unique blend of micronationalism and its location in the cultural milieu of Thailand makes Parvussia a distinctive entity, contributing to the global landscape of micronations.


The cultural tapestry of Parvussia is intricately woven with influences drawn from the rich and diverse traditions of Thailand and the vibrant cultures of Europe. Parvussia, in its unique identity, serves as a harmonious amalgamation of these two distinct cultural realms.

Inspired by the cultural nuances of Thailand, Parvussia embraces the elegance of Thai customs, traditions, and arts. From the vibrant festivities to the profound spirituality embedded in Thai practices, these elements contribute to the cultural mosaic that defines Parvussian identity. The intricate dance of colors, the melodious notes of traditional Thai music, and the flavors of Thai cuisine all find their place within the cultural heart of Parvussia.

Simultaneously, the European cultural influence brings a refined sophistication and diversity to the cultural landscape of Parvussia. Whether it be the classical arts, literary traditions, or the historical legacies of European nations, these elements intertwine with the broader cultural narrative of Parvussia. The appreciation for fine arts, the pursuit of knowledge, and the celebration of cultural heritage all echo the resonance of European influence within Parvussian society.

Notably, while Parvussia pays homage to the cultures that have inspired it, it also strives to carve out its own unique cultural identity. The fusion of Thai and European influences forms a distinctive blend that shapes the customs, arts, and traditions of Parvussia. Thus, the cultural landscape of Parvussia is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse influences, creating a vibrant and unique cultural tapestry.

Government and politics

The Kingdom of Parvussia operates under the ideological framework of Absolute Monarchy, a form of governance where the monarch and the royal family hold paramount authority, superseding the country's constitution. This principle has been firmly entrenched since the establishment of the first constitution in 2023. In this system, King Fiesta I assumes the multifaceted roles of monarch, head of government, and the Highest Commander of the Kingdom of Parvussia Armed Forces, wielding comprehensive executive authority.

Under the tenets of Absolute Monarchy, all pivotal governing structures within the Kingdom of Parvussia are presided over by the king. This includes the parliament, an essential institution, albeit one with a distinctive characteristic—no elections are conducted. This unique feature aligns with the Kingdom of Parvussia's doctrinal commitment to Absolute Monarchy, where the hereditary monarch is the sole source of political power and governance. The absence of elections underscores the singular authority of the monarch in shaping the destiny and policies of the kingdom.

In essence, the Kingdom of Parvussia's adherence to Absolute Monarchy reflects a deliberate choice to prioritize stability and centralized authority, with King Fiesta I at the helm, steering the nation's course with undivided executive control.


His Majesty King Fiesta I, who assumed the throne on 21 November 2022, holds the esteemed position of the current Monarch of Parvussia. In accordance with the principles of absolute monarchy, King Fiesta I assumes the pivotal roles of leader of the kingdom, head of government, and holds supreme command over the army, air force, and navy of the Kingdom of Parvussia. With comprehensive administrative authority, the monarch is empowered to guide the nation's development and policies.

In the Kingdom of Parvussia, the monarch, His Majesty King Fiesta I, stands as an authoritative figure above all aspects of the country. The rules and regulations governing the Kingdom have no bearing on the monarch, affirming the principle that the sovereign's decisions and actions are sovereign and paramount. This structure emphasizes the centralization of power and authority in the hands of the monarch, underscoring their pivotal role in shaping the destiny and direction of the Kingdom of Fiesta.

Foreign relations

Relationships between Kingdom of Parvussia and Nesta Empire

On 8 April 2023, His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Fiesta extended a diplomatic overture by addressing a letter to the Emperor of the Nesta Empire, seeking to strengthen the diplomatic ties between the two nations. The historical backdrop of their relationship traces its roots to the founding of the Fiestian Empire, a testament to the longstanding connection between the Kingdom of Fiesta and the Nesta Empire.

In their earlier history, the Kingdom of Fiesta and the Nesta Empire entered into diplomatic agreements, including a non-aggression pact and an alliance, during the era of the Fiestian Empire. However, the harmonious relations took a tumultuous turn, leading to a significant conflict that persisted through various wars, culminating in the Fiestian-Nestian Second War. Following this conflict, the two nations refrained from further hostilities.

In the contemporary era, the Kingdom of Fiesta and the Nesta Empire have taken steps to rebuild their relationship. Both nations have signed various treaties, exemplified by the Military Assistance Treaty and the Economic Assistance Treaty. These agreements stand as symbols of a shared commitment to fostering peace, cooperation, and mutual prosperity between the Kingdom of Fiesta and the Nesta Empire, marking a diplomatic shift towards collaboration and understanding.

Relationships between Kingdom of Parvussia and the Commonwealth of Queensland

On 8 September 2023, His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Parvussia, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, engaged in a significant diplomatic development with His Majesty the King of the Commonwealth of Queensland and the Prime Minister. In a historic moment, the leaders of these two nations formalized and solidified their diplomatic ties through the signing of a bilateral treaty.

This diplomatic treaty signifies a commitment to fostering a robust and amicable relationship between the Kingdom of Parvussia and the Commonwealth of Queensland. The agreement is likely to cover a range of areas, including economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and political collaboration. Such treaties typically serve to enhance understanding, promote peace, and facilitate beneficial interactions between the signatory nations.

The signing of this diplomatic treaty marks a noteworthy step towards a constructive and mutually beneficial relationship, reflecting the shared aspirations and cooperative spirit between the Kingdom of Parvussia and the Commonwealth of Queensland.


The Royal Parvussian Armed Forces, serving as the military establishment of the Kingdom of Parvussia, encompass the Royal Parvussian Army, the Royal Parvussian Navy, and the Royal Parvussian Air Force. Underlining the Kingdom's commitment to defence and security, these branches collectively form a comprehensive and integrated military structure.

With a combined active-duty personnel of 7 individuals, the Royal Parvussian Armed Forces follow a unique composition, lacking an active reserve force due to the exclusive inclusion of nobles and the monarch in its ranks. The esteemed monarch, King Fiesta I, serves as the head of the Parvussian Armed Forces, providing overarching leadership and strategic direction.

The Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Parvussia, led by the Minister of Defence, currently Toeik, 1st Duke of Starcaster, assumes the responsibility of managing and coordinating the armed forces. The central command and control are overseen by the Parvussian Armed Forces Headquarters, situated in the capital city of the Kingdom of Parvussia.

A distinctive feature of the Kingdom's military policy is the compulsory conscription of all citizens, encompassing the monarch, royal family, and nobles. This inclusive approach underscores a collective and shared responsibility for national defence, embodying a sense of unity and commitment within the Kingdom of Parvussia.