Flag of Yusienia

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Flag of Yusienia
See adjacent text.
Flag of Yusienia
Use National flag and ensign
Proportion 3:5
Adopted 14 October 2022; 19 months ago (2022-10-14)
Design horizontal tricolor

The national flag of Yusienia was adopted in October 2022. It also named Tricolor of the revolution (Tricolor de la Revolución).


The flag consists of three equally sized bars, from top to bottom in the colours gold, green and blue, gold represents wealth, glory and commerce, green represents peace, nature and democracy, blue represents technology, entrepreneurship and sea.

In the center of the green bar is a six-pointed star, representing the Hexasophy—the six principles of Yusienia.


In March 2021, the princess thought the country needed a flag, so she designed Amazonia's first flag with reference to the flags of Tajikistan and Laos, but she later found that the flag was extremely similar to Nedland's flag, so in September, she announced After abolished the flag and making three new designs and posted them on Microwiki@Discord for everyone's opinion, she chose the version that everyone liked best. But the good times don't last long, in April 2022, the princess was extremely dissatisfied with the current flag of the Republic, the White Square Flag, so she frantically designed a large number of flags, and asked others to design flags for Yusienia, but she found it difficult to choose one as the official flag of Yusienia, so she set them all as official national flags, there are 6 of these flags in total. But the White Square Flag is still used as the main flag, and on 5 June 2022, the princess changed the center symbol to Pallas' astronomical symbol to symbolize Athena, and then she announced that the White Square Flag will be abolished by 2025. In July, the princess continued to express serious dissatisfaction with the ugliness of the white square flag, and she immediately designed a flag with an eight-pointed star as the official flag. After a number of flag changes, the final flag was settled on a simple tricolor with a six-pointed star. Aurora said she will continue to design better-looking flags, but will not change this official flag.


Anyone is allowed to fly the flag of Yusienia whenever they deem it suitable. The Flag must always be flown in a position superior to that of any other flag or ensign when flown in Yusienia, and it should always be flown aloft and free, except when it is in half-mast. When out in the open, the flag should always be flown between sunrise and sunse unless it is illuminated. The flag may not be intentionally placed upside down, dipped in anything, or hold any objects other than flower petals before unfurling. When the Flag carried in a procession or parade or with other flags, it should on the front or center, but this is only an advice and not mandatory. If the flag is displayed on a short flagpole, this should be mounted at an angle to the wall with the flag draped tastefully from it. The flag must never touch the ground, nor should it be used to cover tables, lecterns, podiums or buildings. The flag must not be dirty or damaged. When the flag is washed, it must be dried indoors. Flags that have decayed or faded should not be displayed. A worn-out flag must be disposed of by burning (though not with the intent to disgrace it), or alternatively by cutting it to pieces small enough not to be recognizable as parts of the flag.

Hoisting or Lowering

The national anthem is played during the flag raising ceremony. It is commonly agreed that during the hoisting or lowering of the flag, civilians should conduct themselves in a respectful manner by facing the flag and standing still, straight, and quiet if they could. Soldiers and firefighters should render a salute during the hoisting or lowering of the flag, and members of Scout and Guide should render a three-finger salute.


The flag of Amazonia should flown at half-mast to mark the following occasions:
On the death of the President or a distinguished Yusienian citizen - from the time of announcement of the death up to and including the funeral.
On the Transgender Day of Remembrance - On this day the national flag should at half mast but the transgender flag should be flown and should not be lowered at half-mast on this day.

Apart from the lowered position of the flag, state mourning also warrants a black ribbon 1/10 the width of the flag's width wrapped around the flag itself, preventing it from being unfurled, but it's not mandatory.

Historical flags

Flag Years of use Ratio Government Notes
March 2021 - September 2021 1:2 Republic of Amaozonia
September 2021 - June 2022 1:2 Most Serene Republic of Amazonia
Most Serene Republic of Yusienia
Gold represents prosperity and honor, blue represents liberty and future, white represents egality and peace.

The 12 decorations around the central sign represent the twelve months of the year, the twelve hours of the day, the twelve zodiac signs, and the twelve-tone equal temperament.

June 2022 - July 2022 1:2 Most Serene Republic of Yusienia
People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia
Started to use astronomical sign of the asteroid Pallas, because the political center of Yusienia is close to Athens, and the country's culture began somehow relate to the goddess Athena
July 2022 1:2 People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia The eight corners of the eight-pointed star represent the eight syllables of the national motto "Vitam Impendere Vero". The colors' meaning is the same as the White Square Flag.
July 2022 - August 2022 2:3 People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia Quadrisection flag of green and gold. PRRY is an acronym for "People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia". Green represents nature, peace and agriculture of the nation, and gold represents wealth and glory of the nation.
August 2022 3:5 People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia A pale green field with a white symmetric cross; a white eight-pointed star centres each quarter. pale green represent peace and the country's nature resources, white represent unity and justice.
August 2022 – October 2022 1:2 or 3:5 People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia A green field charged with a golden eight-pointed star, represent the eight syllables of the national motto. Green represents nature, peace and agriculture of the nation, and gold represents wealth and glory of the nation.
October 2022 – Present 3:5 People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia the current flag

List of Flags