Kingdom of Suteria

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Kingdom of Suteria
(it) Regno di Suteria
(scn) Regnu ri Suteria
(fr) Royame du Suteria

Freedom Fatherland Prosperity
(it) Libertà Patria Prosperità
Inno Nazionale
[Lode al Re di Suteria]
CapitaleCity of Suteria
Lingua(e) Ufficiale(i)Italian, French, English, German
GovernoParliamentary monarchy
- King of SuteriaFederico I° di Suteria
- Prime MinisterLiam D'Anna
Formazione15 July 2022
ValutaSuterian Lira
Fuso Orario+1 UTC

The Kingdom of Suteria is an Italian micronation founded on 15 July 2022. It is an independent kingdom (it is de jure considered a part of Italy) with several recognition. Suteria is located on the Italian peninsula on the island of Sicily in France,Germany,Usa and it has a colony in Antarctica and borders whit Italy, France, Germany, Chile and Egemonica and has a outlet on the Tyrrhenian Sea and Ionian Sea. The official language is Italian even if a small part of the population speaks French. The currency is the Suterian Lira. The capital of the kingdom is City of Suteria, which was renamed from Bagheria.


As someone might think the name Suteria could refer to the city located in central Sicily: Sutera but instead refers to the surname of its main founder and current monarch Federico I of Suteria and his original surname is Sutera from which Suteria


The Suterian flag has a great history and before the one used today, 3 other flags were used:

The first version is the flag of the Suterian Republic (10 July 2022 - 15 July 2022) and was used between 10 July and 15 July 2022 in conjunction with the first flag of the armed forces


The colors of the flag of the Suterian Republic symbolize with white the love for the homeland, with red the blood shed during the wars of independence, with blue the Tyrrhenian Sea which the City of Suteria overlooks and the shield symbolizes the freedom of the Suterians independent from everything and everyone and City of Suteria

The second version was the first flag of the Kingdom of Suteria and was used from the birth of the Kingdom (15 July 2022) to 30 August 2022 when it was replaced with the best known of the 4 Suterian flags


The colors of the first flag of the Kingdom of Suteria represent: red the blood shed during the wars of independence, turquoise the Tyrrhenian Sea on which Suteria overlooks, white freedom and the eagle portrays the monarchy

The third version and second flag of the Kingdom of Suteria was the best known of all the flags used as it was used everywhere between 30 August 2022 and 16 April 2024, this flag is still used by the party of young Suterian bands with the symbol of the party above


The fourth and final version is the one still used today, changed to retouch the old flag and add a sun and remove the symbol in the center of the eagle on the old flag



On 10 July 2022 the Suterian Independence wars starts.

On 15 July 2022 the Kingdom of Suteria declared independence from Italy lead by King Federico Antonio I of Suteria.

On the same day, Peter 1st of Anchestors and Paul 1st of Zequiriot claimed part of the soil of Suteria by proclaiming the Viceroyalty of the Free City of Anchestors and the Viceroyalty of Zequiriot constituent parts of the kingdom.

On 30 July the Suterian Independence wars ends.

On 30 August 2022 the Kingdom and the Viceroyalties joined the Union Against Micronational War (UAMW).

On 24 September 2022 Prime Minister Liam d'Anna founded the Party of Young Suterian Bands.

On 6 October 2022 the economy minister Piero Ficarotta founded the Suterian Socialist Party.

On 8 October 2022 the Kingdom of Suteria founded the Organization of Mediterranean Micronations (OMM).

On 31 October 2022, Defense Minister Claudio Traina founded the Suterian Legislative Party (PLS).

On 10 november 2022 the Kingdom of Suteria and the Archduchy of Padania founded the Defensive Military Organization of Micronations.

The map of Marie Byrd Treaty

On 24 November 2022 the Treaty of Marie Byrd is signed which sanctions the division between the Kingdom of Suteria, the Kingdom of Egemonica, the Republic of Belcity and the Archduchy of Padania.

On 14 January 2023 Simeon Nikolov founded the Nikolovist Party of Suteria.

On 18 January 2023 Elias Oberholtz founded the Suterian Conservative Party.

On January 19 the leader of the socialist party Piero Ficarotta wins the prime ministerial election of Suteria with the majority of 80%.

On 16 February 2023 the Suterian Wars of National Unity starts.

On 24 February 2023 the Suterian Wars of National Unity ends.

On 24 February 2023 Lorenzo Mattei founded the lordship of Trakna assuming the name of Lorenzo I of Trakna renaming the city of Terracina with the name of Trakna.

On the 10 April 2023, the Suterian Conservative Party (SCP) was renamed to the Suterian Democratic Union (SDU) due to references to the SCP Foundation.

On 6 May 2023 the Suterian Parliament issues a warrant for the arrest of Zachary Stewart and Anthony Scott.

On 5 June 2023 Alessandro Li Causi founded the Suterian Capitalist Party.

On 14 July 2023 The Suterian Secret Service or S.S.S. were founded.

On 15 July 2023 the leadership of the Suterian socialist party was passed from Piero Ficarotta to Giovanni Schicchi.

On 19 July 2023 Liam D'anna leader of the suterian young bands party wins the prime ministerial election of Suteria with the majority of 50%.

On 13 September 2023 the viceroy of Anchestors Peter I abdicates. He will be succeeded by Gabriele Pantaleone with the name of Gabriele I of Anchestors 2 days later on 15 September 2023.

On 15 September 2023 Gabriele Pantaleone officially becomes the second viceroy of Anchestors with the name Gabriele I of Anchestors.

On 20 September 2023 the Kingdom of Suteria leaves the U.A.M.W. after a year of participation.

On 23 September 2023 the Suterian Free State, which is a state claiming to be the legitimate form of Suteria, was created causing the Suterian civil war to begin.

On 28 September 2023, the parliament of the Kingdom of Suteria sentences the pretender of the free state of Suteria Umberto Cori to death for war crimes, attempted government overthrow and treason.

On 29 September 2023, the Kingdom of Suteria is helped by Kaltarsia, the Second Empire of Forestria and the Mafia Republic who joined the war in favor of the Kingdom of Suteria which began to produce new armaments. Furthermore, Suteria is supported by the D.M.O.M..

On 29 September 2023 with the fall of the free state of Suteria the war ends with the victory of the Kingdom of Suteria and the D.M.O.M..

On 29 September 2023, following a territorial dispute between the Kingdom of Suteria and the Kingdom of Egemonica, the Suterio-Egemonian crisis begins.

On 26 October 2023 Giovanni Schicchi, leader of the socialist party, leaves the party. If the party can't find a replacement leader by January, it will not be able to run in the January elections and if they can't find a replacement leader past that point, the party has a chance of dissolving.

On 2 November 2023 Francesco Barranco founded the Duchy of Fegrero assuming the name of Francesco I of Fegrero.

On 1 December 2023 the Kingdom of Suteria adopts the Suterian calendar as the official calendar of the Kingdom of Suteria. In the Suterian calendar, year 0 is based on the year of the founding of Suteria, which is 2022 for those who use the Gregorian calendar.

On 6 December 2023 the economy minister Leonardo Cane founded the Suterian nationalist party.

On 1 January 2024 the Kingdom of Suteria leaves the D.M.O.M. after a year of participation.

On 2 January 2024 Alessandro Li Causi, leader of the Capitalist party and Leonardo Cane, leader of the Nationalist party founded their parties to create the Suterian National Capitalist Party.

On 3 January 2024 the Kingdom of Suteria enters a state of isolation to completely reorganize itself and following what has happened in the previous months.

On 7 January 2024 the Suterian national football team was created.

On 13 January 2024 Claudio Traina, leader of the legislative party, leaves the party.

On January 20 2024 Leonardo Cane wins the elections with the majority of 65% becoming the prime minister of the Kingdom of Suteria for 6 months and Alessandro Li Causi becomes the deputy prime minister instead.

On January 20 2024 the Suterian Socialist Party, the Suterian Legislative Party, the Suterian Egemonic Party, the Suterian Nikolovist Party and the Democratic Union are dissolved.

On 4 February 2024 the term of office of a prime minister is extended from 6 to 8 months.

On 17 March 2024 the Pact of City of Suteria was born, it is a military alliance between the Kingdom of Suteria and the Nationalist Republic of Axian.

On 23 March 2024 Leonardo Cane resigns from the position of prime minister following the discontent of the people, private problems and a bad relationship with the sovereign, Liam D'Anna as leader of the only remaining party with the exception of the national capitalist party takes the role of prime minister with a promise to fulfill all the unfulfilled promises of the previous leader.

On 24 March 2024 the Suterian aerospace and cosmogonical research center was born.

On April 9 2024 the Kingdom of Suteria begins making reforms to the Organization of Mediterranean Micronations (OMM).

On April 16 2024, the Kingdom of Suteria changes flag after having used the better-known flag since August 31 2022.

On 16 April 2024 Nicolò Pedrazzini becomes leader of the national capitalist party together with Alessandro Li Causi, succeeding Leonardo Cane.

On April 19 2024 Leonardo Cane is thrown out of parliament and the Suterian government without the possibility of returning due to bad relations with the sovereign and the people who have his government as a dictatorship, in fact his government ended because he resigned after the continuous pressure from the people and the sovereign and the hatred it had generated abroad towards Suteria.

On May 9 2024, S.E.M. was founded. Suteria Esperanto Movado, the Suterian Esperantist Movement works to encourage greater interest in Esperanto among people to learn it, and to make Esperanto the official language not only of Suteria but also in other micronations.

On May 16, 2024, the Kingdom of Suteria becomes the ninth member of the Coalition of Salvation.

On 17 May 2024, Lorenzo I of Trakna succeeded as second lord of Trakna Alessandro Gentilini who takes the name of Alexander I of Trakna, the reign of Lorenzo I began on 24 February 2023.

On May 18, 2024, TGSuteria was born, the first Suterian news program founded to inform citizens of more news overall.

Foreign relations

Nations Date of recognition
w:United Nations All members of the UN except China and North Korea 15.07.2022
w:Taiwan Taiwan 15.07.2022
w:State of Palestine State of Palestine 15.07.2022
w:Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 15.07.2022
w:Somaliland Republic of Somaliland 15.07.2022
w:Kosovo Republic of Kosovo 15.07.2022
w:Republic of Artsakh Nagorno-Karabakh Republic 31.07.2022
Republic of Belcity 04.11.2022
Kingdom of Egemonica 05.11.2022
Empire of Kaltarsia 10.12.2022
Flag of Kingdom of Roskill.png Kingdom of Roskill 20.12.2022
Flag of Empire of Terredepaix.png Empire of Terredepaix 23.12.2022
Abyei Republic 29.12.2022
Dominion of Keithieopia 04.01.2023
Detian Tsardom 11.01.2023
Lesia and Karduna 14.01.2023
 Græcia 14.02.2023

Foreign affairs (list)

The micronations that recognize the Kingdom of Suteria are the Republic of Belcity, the Empire of Kaltarsia, the Kingdom of Roskill, the Nikolov Republic of Lesia and Karduna,the Empire of Axian, the republic of Milazzo, the Kingdom of Arkaland, the Empire of Imvrassia, and the Governorate of Graecia.

Politics, Government and Administration


The King is the supreme general of the army.

Every 8 months a prime minister is elected in Suteria

Prime minister of Suteria

Name Mandate duration Party
Liam D'Anna 20-07-2022/15-01-2023 179 days P.S.Y.B.
Piero Ficarotta 20-01-2023/15-07-2023 176 days S.S.P.
Liam D'Anna 20-07-2023/15-01-2024 179 days P.S.Y.B.
Leonardo Cane 20-01-2024/23-03-2024 63 days P.N.S.
Liam D'Anna 23-03-2024/today Ongoing P.S.Y.B.


The list of Political Parties is below.

Party Name Title Flags Ideology Leader
Party of the Suterian Young Bands
(it) Partito delle Giovani Fasce Suteriane
PSYB Suterism Liam D'Anna
Suterian Nazional Capitalist Party
(it) Partito Nazionalcapitalista Suteriano
PNCS National Capitalism Nicolò Pedrazzini and Alessandro Li Causi

The first coalition

The 21th of April 2023 the Suterian Democratic Union and the Egemonic Suterian Party created the first political coalition called the Monarcho-Antifascist United Front.

A few days after the victory of the Suterian fascist party in the elections for prime minister, the leaders of the coalition decided to dissolve it

The Suterian Patriotic Association

On the 28th of April 2023, the leader and the secretariat of the ESP founded the Suterian Patriotic Association. On the 23 September, Umberto Kori member of the Suterian Patriotic Association created the Free State of Suteria.

Administrative Divisions

Within the Kingdom there are 3 others micronation in personal union whit the Kingdom of Suteria which are the Viceroyalty of Anchestors dominated by Peter I of Anchestors founded on 15 July 2022, the Viceroyalty of Zequiriot dominated by Paul I of Zequiriot founded on 15 July 2022 and the Lordship of Trakna dominated by Lorenzo I of Trakna founded on February 24, 2023.

Suteria is divided into governorates and there are currently 8 governorates in Suteria and 1 colonial territory

List of governorates

  • Governorate of the Suterian capital
  • Governorate of Sicily
  • Governorate of Calabria
  • Governorate of the Gulf
  • Governorate of Padania
  • Governorate of the Alpine territories
  • Governorate of Northern Bavaria
  • Governorate of Western Occitania
  • Colonial territory of Suterian Antarctica

External links

Discord server

Youtube channel


Instagram profile

Suteria Esperanto Movado